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August 2022 Member of the Month, Joni Todd

Our August 2022 Member of the Month​'s Pilates Journey began back in August 2016 when a girlfriend asked ​her to try a Pilates ​Mat class with her at the Maui Family YMCA. “My first response was that Pilates would be way too hard. I didn’t think I was in good enough shape to do the class. Even though I questioned my ability, I decided to take a chance and try it. It just so happened that Or Sagi-Woodson would be ​the teacher ​that day. From that point on, I’ve been hooked." We want to offer a big Ho’omaika’i ‘ana (congratulations) to Joni Todd​, our August 2022 Member of the Month!

​Even though she started Pilates at the Maui Family YMCA, Joni ​would become a Maui Pilates Studio member in June 2019. “I feel much stronger, toned​, and flexible ​ever since my Pilates Journey began in 2016. My dad​, who is currently 95 and still lives in his own house, has always told me how important it is to exercise and stay in shape. ​As a matter of fact, I have longevity on both sides of my family​, so it is very important for me to keep moving, stretching​, and strengthening ​my body as I get older. Pilates is my fountain of youth!​"

Joni ​first came to Maui in the 70's to attend a good friend's wedding and ended up staying on Maui for 7 years! Eventually she moved back to the mainland to finish ​her college degree and had planned to move back to Maui once ​she graduated. “Well​, it took more than a few decades before I finally moved back to Maui almost 7 years ago. I feel so lucky and grateful to be living in such a magical beautiful place once again!”

Joni lives upcountry with her husband and 2 dogs: Winston​, a 5 1/2 year​-old​, and Lily​, who is only 7 months old. Joni admits, “I have a special place in my heart for westies! ” ​Joni is talking about her west highland terriers. Joni walks her two sweet ​"furkids​" twice a day. “They give me accountability​, as they always make it clear that going on a walk is a must! I also have a vegetable garden that I​'m working on to grow some of my own food. I call it my Zen garden because it gives me such a sense of presence and mindfulness when I’m tending to my plants. It’s really fun to walk out to my garden and pick something to use for our next meal.“

​Winston and Lily make her accountable for their exercise, dad stresses the importance of exercise, and her garden gives her a sense of presence and mindfulness, ​but Joni finds her inspiration from her sister​ Diana. “She has been through a lot​, but ​she is always ​very upbeat and positive. She is my voice of reason and keeps me grounded.”

We asked Joni what the future looks like for her​, and here is what she shared with us: “I would like to go on more travel adventures in the future. There are so many places I would love to visit in the world. I’d like to stay as healthy and active as long as I possibly can, and Pilates can help me do that. I see Pilates as a natural part of my future​. Pilates makes me feel good, ​and it keeps me motivated to eagerly continue ​practicing Pilates. It is still a challenge for me at times, but I feel successful after every class I attend. I really like what Or says​: It doesn’t get easier​, but you ​will get better.”

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