Our September 2023 member of the month was a gym rat in her younger years, “As I got older and busier with work and kids, I lost the discipline and motivation to work out. Pilates has kickstarted my motivation to work out again. I found Pilates to be a fun and effective way to get resistance training and the stretch component rolled up into one.” We want to offer a big Ho’omaika’i ‘ana (congratulations) to Tori Al-Hark!
Since starting her Pilates journey Tori noticed improved muscle tone and flexibility, decreased chronic sciatica pain, decreased chronic low back pain, and improved core strength and stability. Tori says, “Consistency and commitment is key for the most effective Pilates practice.” (By the way Tori, we couldn’t agree more) Tori attends classes two to three times a week. She once told us, “It doesn’t matter how blah I feel when I come to class, I always leave feeling rejuvenated!”
Other than Pilates Tori engages in daily outdoor activities such as going for a walk to the beach or to the pool, as well as finding some alone time to regroup and reset with prayer and meditation. Tori also receives Acupuncture treatments twice a month and some type of self-care treatment, a massage, pedicure, facial every month.
You must be wondering who the motivator is behind this healthy active lifestyle Tori is living?! “My beautiful and active children. What blessings they are!”
Tori has an inspiring message to anyone considering starting with Pilates, “Maui Pilates Studio is an Ohana for all who walk through its door. I am very appreciative and grateful for the support and love received since the first day. It is definitely a special place that I hope every person is able to experience. They will never be the same.”
