Her Pilates Journey did not start on the right foot for our April 2023 Member of the Month. In fact she describes it as, “A bad experience in a group class in California”. However, despite her negative initial experience with Pilates in California, a very smart person recommended she try Pilates again at Maui Pilates Studio because Or would lead her into a healthy and pain free way. Well, he has done that and more! We want to offer a big Ho’omaika’i ‘ana (congratulations) to Kathy Willis!
Kathy translates her experience at Maui Pilates Studio in one paragraph. “I have always had a bad back. Since restarting my Pilates Journey at Maui Pilates Studio my pain level has decreased tremendously. I am not pain free yet, but I can honestly say it is a lot better than it was! I hope to continue to strengthen my back (with baby steps) with the help of Maui Pilates Studio. I give all the credit to Or, who was able to give me the confidence to try new things. If one exercise didn’t feel right for me, he always has another way to exercise the same muscle without the pain. I am very grateful to Or and Maui Pilates Studio.”
Kathy supplements her Pilates practice by playing tennis twice a week and walking the neighborhood hills every morning. She also loves to bake and she loves to travel! Kathy is one busy bee! We are so grateful to you Kathy, and so proud that you have overcome the initial bump in your Pilates Journey.