Our October 2022 Member of the Month is Kanaka Mauoli, and has been a Maui Pilates Studio Ohana member since August 2021. We want to offer a big Ho’omaika’i ‘ana (congratulations) to Kiana Cornell!
Kiana is a dedicated teacher at St. Anthony School, a loving daughter, a good friend, and a dedicated wife of 19 years. She was born and raised here on Maui. After spending a few years on the mainland, Kiana decided to return home to Maui. “My parents are the reason I came back, as they are a two for one deal. I am blessed that can spend time with them.”
When asked about her experience at Maui Pilates Studio, here is what Kiana had to say, “I always walk out of class, glad that I came. Since starting my Pilates Journey, I stand taller, I am more balanced, and I am constantly setting new milestones to accomplish. Speaking of accomplishments, planks on the Reformer…mentally, I couldn’t do them for the longest time. Needless to say, my first time doing them was a victory!”
We asked Kiana about who motivates her to get up each morning, choosing to live a healthy life. We couldn’t have been more prouder when Kiana told us she is motivated by one of our very own Maui Pilates Studio Ohana members, Bernie Freitas!!! "Mama B's example of always making time for her workout here at Maui Pilates Studio is what motivates me. I plan to keep on being a Maui Pilates Studio Ohana member, and look forward to the stronger me yet to be.”
You probably don’t know it, but there are a few amazing things we just have to share about Kiana:
Kiana was once a Zumba instructor!
Kiana used to be a Singing Waitress on the Spirit of Boston yacht!
Kiana sang at one and only Carnegie Hall!
Kiana is grateful for her journey, and wanted to send a special shoutout, “Mahalo, Kellie and Or, for taking such good care of me!”
